Biggest accomplishment

Biggest accomplishment

Besides my boys and finding my husband (ok he technically found me because I came up in his weekly top matches email from, being able to run a 5k without completely dying has been the greatest accomplishment in my adult life! Anyone who knows me well, knows that I have always hated running and wasn’t good at it. 

I did high jump in high school because I ran the mile once and came in third place. Third place?! That’s pretty good you might think… There were only 3 of us running it. And I was at least a lap behind second place. My brother was in charge of video taping that race and right as I was about to finish the race he scrolled over to video tape some girls he knew in the stands. Now nobody will ever know that I did in fact actually finish that race! Thanks bro…

Saturday was on the cooler side but I do prefer chilly over sweaty hot. I decided it was a good day to go for a run. (It was also the day for the 2nd #virtualfitgirl5k) A run by myself. No double stroller. No stopping to give Big Bro his cup of crackers that fell on the ground. No whining or hurrying home because Little Bro has woken up and is hungry. Just me, my phone and a 5k run ahead of me! 

I used the app Map My Run. I love it because of you want to run a 5k, it will give you a route to take in order to run a 5k. If you only want to run a mile, it will map it out for you. I didn’t video tape myself running my 5k for proof that I did but here’s a screen shot of my run overview… 


Hey, I didn’t say I did it fast. I just finished. And that, I am proud of!

On a social note, our friend from Connecticut has been here for just over a week. He is here for work and it’s been really nice to hang out with him while he’s been here! Thanks to GG and Papa being able to watch the boys, we caught a Brewers game for one of our local friend’s birthday. 

(Photobombing at its finest…) 


Our friend also cooked for us on Mother’s Day. He is an amazing chef! His wife is one lucky girl (although I feel kind of bad that he cooked for us on Mother’s Day and not her since it was her first Mother’s Day. Sorry MK!)  

 We had leftovers yesterday and I wasn’t mad about it at all! 
My challenge is going good! I’ve eaten things not on the meal plan. Unless I missed the part with brats, cookie dough, kettle corn, ice cream, beer and wine… Ok. I’ve been bad. I’m totally ok with eating like that because I am 100% confident that I will get back on track. We’ve been enjoying ourselves (to say the least) since our friend has been here. I haven’t been slacking on my work outs though and that’s normally where I slack. So even if you get off track, just know you are human and life goes on if you enjoy yourself when it comes to eating! 

I hope all of you mothers out there had a wonderful Mother’s Day!! I know I am blessed with an amazing husband, two beautiful boys, a mother who has always been there for me and a grandmother who is always there for my mother and I!❤️

Happy Tuesday!!

Busy, busy, busy

Busy, busy, busy

How can I be so busy when I have only left the house one time this week so far?! If you’re a stay-at-home mom, you will know the answer to that question. Even if you’re not, you may understand. 

A lot of people underestimate stay-at-home moms, including myself before I became one. I recently read a blog post that went viral about a father who realizes he can’t afford his wife to be a stay-at-home mom. You can find that blog post here. This guy is spot on!

I think as a SAH mom, we also underestimate ourselves and all we do for our family. I’ve had a hard time accepting the fact that, although my husband is the one going to work and making the money for our family, it is also my money. I still don’t feel like it is my money but little by little I am becoming more comfortable and accepting that his money is our money. 

In the blog post, he breaks down what a SAH mom does and how much it would cost someone to hire out that service. It really hit home and made me appreciate myself and all I do for our family. My husband always tells me he doesn’t know what he would do if something happened to me because he couldn’t do all that I do at home. To me it’s every day life and I’m in a routine. For him, it’s the hardest job in the world. I don’t see it that way because I’ve been trained (by my kids) to do what I do. It would be the same as me going into my husband’s work one day and trying to be the GM of his company. I couldn’t do it. Especially because I still am not really certain of what my husband actually does as the GM of his company! So, no, I rarely leave the house but, yes, I am busy all day every day feeding my boys (every 2-3 hours for Little Bro), bathing them, dressing them, changing diapers, teaching them right from wrong, consoling them when they are hurt or sick, playing with them, making sure Big Bro is nice to Little Bro, potty training Big Bro, putting the boys down for their naps, feeding the dog, letting him outside to do his business, feeding the cat, cleaning her litter box, doing dishes, laundry, running our EBay account, working out, cleaning, preparing dinner, making any phone calls that need to be made (doctors appointments, American Eagle to find out how to return a pair of pants I got a week ago that already ripped…etc), be a greeter for anyone coming to the house (pest control, window guy…etc) and sometimes I even shower so my husband doesn’t think I’m letting myself go! This doesn’t even include things I like to do for fun like writing my blog, crafts, play dates…etc. Busy, busy, busy!

Well, I am in the last week of my challenge and still doing really good! I have a seperate instagram account for the challenge and I had posted a video of me doing sit-ups with Little Bro on my legs. The FitGirlsGuide had reposted the video and these were the results… 

Almost 35,000 likes and over 2,000 comments! I feel like some sort of celebrity although I am far from it! Glad they posted it because there were a lot of comments saying how they were going to try this with their kids. I love when I can inspire people to get healthier without the excuse of kids! Here’s a better picture of us getting our workout (and giggles) in… 

At this very moment I am participating in the #virtualfitgirls5k!  One of the FitGirl sisters put this together and I think it’s pretty cool! You don’t have to travel anywhere to run/walk a race with a group of people! Set a date and get a group of friends, family, co-workers, WHOEVER to commit to doing it that day and take a picture when they are done! To make it more fun, have a drawing for a prize for those who finish! I challenge you all to set one up in the next couple months!!

I just recently put together a list of local 5k runs that I want to do so keep an eye out for those in the coming posts! 

I also weighed myself this morning and I am 5 1/2lbs away from my #10downohiobound goal!! 

Here’s some random pictures of homemade cinnamon apple chips, my HelloFresh box for the week and my new Calia by Carrie Underwood Infusion Water Bottle…



Hope you are all having a wonderful week! Happy Thursday!!